So it is the face of Technological Humanism which now appears in Faust's Cauldron - A form bubbling up and naming itself proud: the natural inheritor of christendom. The natural child for it too holds our culture in a spell which echoes the mass mesmerism of the institutionalised church. Galileo we are told was persecuted by the church ? He was bitten by the church and like a vampire the grand inquisitor renewed himself in his victims.
The words are different but the slaves of the technocrato still jump to the same tune:
You can look but you can't shop
Get back in your box
The mundus - the objective world - is a monster...
The mindset of scientism is essentially a language of physical and mental disablement - in it an alienated atomised self is disengaged from a random and threatening enviroment. The compounded self is reduced to the level of a spectator on a ghost ride - terrorised by this "objective" massified cosmos. The universe becomes a universal fury which only the initiated can hope to placate. But The hierophant - the scientists stand like a roman centuary before cleopatra. A night of lust before a headless dawn. For even the high priest are prey to the whims and caprice of the random machine - the digital whore - whom he has fed in his own quest for power..
Magic Mystery and Authority was all the whore of babylon ever needed - she just changes her clothes for each new party.
Peeing your pants - everyone is pissing them - its just that some bladders are allowed to get fuller for longer - this is the hormonal reward ladder of capatalism,medicine and science. The harsh cluttered body of the social elite fills and bloats as a blood sucking fly . All the while their cloth capped attendents humbly and respectfully eviscerate themselves - gladly crush themselves - fold their bodies like tinfoil - squash their brains in half - cut off their left arm - and learn to wank,shop clap and text with one hand - a labotomised ape - fudge filled in front of the tv - fiddling with itself - one-eyed to adverts.
1 comment:
A kind of prose poetry I guess. But quite hard to understand :)
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